This week our Auld Lang Syne series continues with two members of Lettuce, Brian Haas and his former JFJO bandmate Reed Mathis, The Dear Hunter, Todd Stoops and many more. If you haven’t yet seen the first five installments click here for part one and click here for part two, click here for part three, click here for part four and click here for part five


What will you remember most about 2011?

Most memorable shows of the year were Bowlive, the west coast Lettuce run, Royal Family at the Filmore in SF, Groove Connection shows in Japan…

What album or albums received the most play?

Album from this year that I’ll be listening to next year in reverse as well Caveman “CoCo Beware.”

What was your favorite show or tour in 2011?

Seeing the Royal Family Affair come to fruition will definitely be one the most memorable events of the year.

What emerging band should readers watch out for in 2012?


What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2012?

2012 I plan on producing, recording, and getting out as much music to listeners as I’m physically able to do.



What will you remember most about 2011?

Getting married to my amazing wife Cassandra in June on the beach.

What songs appear most in your iTunes or iPod?

Virginia Plain and Ladytron by Roxy Music and Starlings by Elbow.

What was the best show you played in 2011?

I can’t single out one show, but I can say we did our first full national headlining tour this year, and it was really amazing. A few standout nights were Boston, Orlando, Pomona, San Francisco and DeKalb

What was your favorite movie of 2011?

_Melancholia _

What musicians should readers look out for in 2012?

Anthony Green has a new record that should be amazing- and there should also be a new Bad Books record that will be equally amazing.

Are there any musicians you would like to collaborate with in 2012?

There are genuinely too many to name.

If you could ring in the New Year with any musician (alive or dead) who would it be?

Hendrix for sure. I would love to see him start a set at around 10 and by midnight there would be something intense happening.

What will you be working toward in 2012?

Trying to improve all aspects of who I am emotionally, physically and metaphysically.

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