On Sunday morning equipment belonging to The Slip was stolen out of a car in New York City. The gear included Brad Barr’s nylon string classical guitar, a
1950’s Gibson acoustic, a Ludwig snare drum Andrew Barr received at the age of 12, percussion instruments and pedals. As a result of this theft the group did not perform at the Gathering of the Vibes this past wekeend (although bassist Marc Friedman did take the stage for a solo rendition of ‘America The Beautiful’). Anyone who has any information may contact the group via its web site. There, Brad Barr (who, incidentally, has a solo gig tonight at Matt Murphy’s Pub in Boston) posted his thoughts on the support of The Slip’s fans, ‘I just got through reading all your posts on this subject and, though I’m still very sad about our loss, would trade it any day for the love and kindness shown by all of you. After all, it’s just a bunch of gear, no matter how unique and treasured and loved. And I like the thought of some kids ending up with it and starting a new punk-folk band that changes the world.’

In other theft news (sigh) Strangefolk’s equipment remains missing although the group’s van and trailer have been recovered.