John Perry Barlow has signed on as the keynote speaker at the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Associations 28th annual meeting. The longtime Bob Weir collaborator and more recent lyricist for the String Cheese Incident will no doubt draw on these experiences as well as his activism with the Electronic Frontier Foundation which he co-founded. The conference also has issued a call for papers on the Grateful Dead Phenomenon with the list of possible topics that includes: Haight-Ashbury, the counterculture and the Dead, the lyrics and music of the Dead, the sociology of the Deadhead experience, myth and ritual in the Grateful Dead Experience, New Journalism and the Dead, the Grateful Dead, jambands and related music. The Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Associations annual meeting will take place on February 14-17, 2007 Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, New Mexico.