Stanton Moore’s signature Titanium snare drum finally will available over the coming months. First announced back in December, the drum will be available by June 1, via Moore’s website. The Galactic drummer has described the process of creating the drum, explaining, ‘The whole idea started about 6 or 7 seven years ago when I met drumsmith Ronn Dunnett for the first time and started to become familiar with his incredible drums. I saw some of his titanium drums and I was intrigued. He explained the sound characteristics of titanium and I became very interested in the sonic possibilities. I asked Ronn if he could make one as a 4×14. His reply was something along the lines of ‘I’ll give it a shot.’ A few months later Ronn presented me with the 1st prototype. I immediately fell in love with the drum – its sound, its tone and its feel. As I was playing to larger rooms with Galactic, I needed a drum that would be sensitive and buttery enough for the intricate buzz roll work that I do with some of the New Orleans second line grooves, but would also cut through a loud funk band when I smacked a back beat. This drum had what I was looking for.’ A video of Moore giving it a go can be found at