Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain’s old roommate Alex has listed several items belonging to Cobain on Craigslist. Some of the items include a pair of skis, telephone and a video game. As Alex explains, “I used to live with Kurt Cobain back in the 90s and I have been holding on to a bunch of his stuff that he left in a box when he moved out.”

The story, as told by Alex, is that Cobain owed his roommates rent and said he would stop by “when he came back” to pay them. Cobain never came back, thus leaving behind several of his belongings. The prices vary for each item, with the phone turning in at $55, because (as Alex explains) Kurt used it to talk on the phone to people in Los Angeles and “that is why it is expensive.”

Anyone in the Belltown, WA area can pick up any purchased items from Alex and Kurt’s former apartment, as well as browse additional items such as magazines and clothes that he will be selling soon.