Scientists from Wake Forest Univeristy have named a newly discovered, ancient swamp pig after Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger. The Washington Post reports that researchers chose to call the species Jaggermeryx naida, which translates to “Jagger’s water nymph,” because of its luscious lips.

The Jaggermeryx naida probably lived around 19 million years ago in what is now the Egyptian desert (the area was swampy at the time), and was roughly the size of a modern deer. According to the Washington Post, researchers have described it as “something like a cross between a skinny hippo and a leggy pig.”

In a public statement, Wake Forest paleoanthropologist Ellen Miller said, “Some of my colleagues suggested naming the new species after Hollywood Angelina Jolie, because she also has famous lips…But for me it has to be Mick.”