As previously reported, this past Saturday both Michael Kang and Kyle Hollingsworth performed with EOTO in Chicago. The four members of Sting Cheese Incident touch on a few SCI songs, but mostly used the club setting for a series of long, loose improvisations that featured Michael Travis on bass (the String Cheese drummers preferred instrument these days). Hollingsworth wrote the following about the shows on his blogapparently under the influence of Ambien:

I also got to play with Travis and Jason (the dudes from String Cheese). It was so inspiring. I had forgotten how much of a connection we have from all those years together. It made me psyched to be gathering again as the String Cheese Incident at Rothbury. It is amazing how stepping outside of the bubble can give you new perspective. In the last 2 years I have had a beautiful child, played music, and created a new CD. All these things are possible because of my years of service in the SCI collective. I was excited to be free for a few years, but now I realize that we are more than just six musicians; we were, in certain moments, able to be a complete unit that played music that was inspired by a force bigger than us as individuals. At times I felt we were not playing music, but were being played by the music. That is what brought me here in the first place.
Enough now of the new age rhetoric. So, bottom line: it was nice to get out and see the world. It was nice to play with EOTO. And so much fun to be in the moment. And in the end, what would Janis do?
String Cheese Incident will take the stage for the first time since 2007 at Rothbury this summer. Look for an interview with Michael Travis that touches on EOTO, String Cheese Rothbury and more in the July issue of Relix.