Akron /Family have announced that they are in the studio recording their follow up to S/T II The Cosmic Birth and Journey of Shinju TNT tentatively titled: A meditation on the spiritual re-awakening of AK, founder of the AkAk religion, which is based on the transcendental teachings of the Therevada branch of Buddhism as well as certain unresolved, oedipal type issues he experienced as a child, as he sets out across the world in search of evidence that bears witness to the interconnectedness of all human thoughts and interactions and what that means for the fate of organically grown coffee beans from the north of Peru.

“We really got inspired by field recording we did of Seagulls out at the old Fresh Kills dump in Staten Island, they create this really great cacophony amid acres of garbage,” said bassist Miles Seaton. “We really want to incorporate that juxtaposition of nature against urban degradation into the new album.” They are currently recording in an abandoned teddy bear factory turned into a studio in Buffalo, NY approximately 78 yards from the edge of Niagara Falls. Rumors that they informed their label, Dead Oceans, of the tentative album title by Morse code could not be confirmed before deadline.