Blues Traveler have been forced to postpone their upcoming tour dates, along with canceling a few festival slots, after frontman John Popper received notice that he was suffering from multiple collapsed vertebrae and requires immediate surgery.

In a statement on his Facebook page, Popper “regretfully” makes the announcement, citing earlier health problems of a “busted leg” that lead to other problems in his opposite leg. The singer had also experienced weakness in his right arm for a while and had trouble holding the microphone “or even holding drinks…I may have seemed more tipsey [sic] than I was…&wobbly…”

“We had results indicating that 3vertabrae in my neck have long been collapsed&are now so deformed asto be drastically impinging on my spinal chord!” Popper continues. “Had I continued to let this go,in only a few months I could’ve been facing total&permanent paralysis!!…Its creepy to think about frankly.”

A list of upcoming Blues Traveler dates are can be seen here. Popper says that the non-festival dates may be able to be rescheduled the week following the close of the tour, and he says if all goes well he could be back touring by August 24.

Read the full post here.