So where exactly have I been?
Well Bonnaroo for sure. And beyond as well.
Backstage at times but mostly up front where I should be.
I took in some fine, fine music, snapped a photo or two and edited the occasional festival newspaper but frankly much of the action has been here with Quinn Henry Barrett Budnick

Yup. Four names. I lost the coin flip on that one. What can I tell you at least that wasn’t as dramatic a call as in Daniel Asa Rose’s novel Flipping For It. As for Rose, now that I think about it, aside from the fact that his book is on point I wonder if perhaps I didn’t invoke him because the very night I met my wife, the mother the aforepictured QHBB, fifteen years ago she picked drove up to a friend’s house and I hopped into her car to attend a Rose reading. That friend later was shooting photos for the Bonnaroo Beacon.
Hey what can I tell you, ‘When I see the connection, though I see I don’t stare…’
Which of course brings us to Phish. In many respects it was due to Phish and in turn the Phish on-line community that is here today. Back in 1998 I tapped a number of people that I knew from the to help start this site. Many of those people will be at Coventry, taking in the music and I hope writing a bit as well (we’ll see..)
At any rate, I can account for my whereabouts in mid-August.
Before then I’ll be out and about although once again much of the action will be here with Quinn and his sister Caroline…

Later days and peace,
P.S. Oh yes which is not to look past the quality content at the site this month. Poke around…